Cédric Membrez

portrait picture of cedric membrez

Cédric Membrez

Mixed reality developer, +2 years

Financial investments, 6 years





C# 75%
Unity 75%
C/C++ 50%
Python 50%
About me

Mixed reality software engineer focusing on digital twin in an industrial context, with constant curiosity to apply my skills in other industries.

During a MSc in computer science, with a specialization in advanced information processing, I have been inspired by the potential of mixed reality and what it can unlock. I wrote my MSc thesis on gamification and accessibility using augmented reality to support the rehabilitation of people with visual impairment.

Through these studies, I have reconnected with a passion for computer science and video games. It brought back memories from my childhood where I developed maps for Half-Life using the Valve Hammer editor. But today, with the appropriate skills acquired, I tackle new hardware and technologies with a purpose to bring the best out of mixed reality to benefit the end user in multiple ways.

My initial career in financial investments helped me develop a rigorous work ethic through an attention to details with complex data to make optimal decisions, and a strong communication with interpersonal skills through presentations across Europe.


Let's explore the continuum of mixed realities.

Augmented / Virtual Reality

+2 years of Experience through university projects, MSc thesis, and personal projects. Ability to consider usability and accessibility.

Computer Vision

Ability to use models for

  • Object tracking, image classification
  • OpenCV, MediaPipe, ...
  • Deployment on the edge

Data Analysis

Strong background to explore data, using statistical analysis and other adapted models.


exploring (serious) games on diverse platforms

illustration of the game ar escape room

AR Escape Room

Augmented Reality - HoloLens 2 / 29 Mar. 2023
illustration of the game caius adventures vr

Caius Adventures VR

Virtual Reality - Meta Quest 2 / 16 Feb. 2022
illustration of the game space invaders crazy ludi

Space Invaders - Crazy Ludi

Java / 18 May 2022